Sometimes Life Really Sucks, But That's Not The Point

Saturday, August 22, 2009

If you're reading this and you're not particularly religious, then I'm sorry if I offend. However, I am religious and I gain most if not all of my strength from my faith.

Yesterday morning I was having somewhat of a pity party because of stupid migraines and Jessie's attachment to them. I decided to take the old treadmill for a walk, listen to a sermon on my ipod (sick, I know) and try to calm down. It's funny how the sermon always seems to match whatever worries I'm having at the moment.
Long story short, I learned about the importance of being "fishers of men" and that no matter how insignificant we think we are and how crappy our luck is, we are all given that one important job in life. We're set upon a path which, IF our hearts are willing and open, will help others - sometimes even without our knowledge. The lecturer went on to say that most often, it's not a pastor who leads someone else in faith because people expect to hear the lecture from a church leader. It's the people who have made it though terrible situations who will inspire others.
I'm done trying to figure out WHY Jessie was given this lot right now, but it sure is comforting knowing that the way she's handled her situation could be an inspiration to others, maybe even strengthening their faith in the process.
Isn't that a cool thought? It's a small thought, but all the same, pretty cool.
So, what's the point? For me, the point is to not constantly curse a crappy situation (although I'm sure I'll do it from time to time), to make it my goal to stay focused on the positive, inject humor whenever possible (although not today), and pray. :)
What do you do to pull yourself up?

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